Tube: Cone

Template: Graphics/3d-tube-shape

Discription: This template creates a 3D cone tube that extrudes along a 3D curve based on a set of parametric equations x(t), y(t), and z(t).

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Tube: Figure Eight Knot

Template: Graphics/3d-tube-shape

Discription: This template creates a 3D figure eight knot tube that extrudes along a 3D curve based on a set of parametric equations x(t), y(t), and z(t).

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

template image

Tube: Figure Eight knot 2

Template: Graphics/3d-tube-shape

Discription: This template creates another figure eight knot tube that extrudes along a 3D curve based on a set of parametric equations x(t), y(t), and z(t).

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Tube: Figure Eight knot 3

Template: Graphics/3d-tube-shape

Discription: This template creates yet another figure eight knot tube that extrudes along a 3D curve based on a set of parametric equations x(t), y(t), and z(t).

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Tube: Heart

Template: Graphics/3d-tube-shape

Discription: This template creates a heart tube that extrudes along a 3D curve based on a set of parametric equations x(t), y(t), and z(t).

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Tube: Helix

Template: Graphics/3d-tube-shape

Discription: This template creates a helix tube that extrudes along a 3D curve based on a set of parametric equations x(t), y(t), and z(t).

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Tube: Polynomial Knot (3,1)

Template: Graphics/3d-tube-shape

Discription: This template creates a polynomial (3,1) knot tube that extrudes along a 3D curve based on a set of parametric equations x(t), y(t), and z(t).

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Tube: Polynomial Knot (4,1)

Template: Graphics/3d-tube-shape

Discription: This template creates a polynomial (4,1) knot tube that extrudes along a 3D curve based on a set of parametric equations x(t), y(t), and z(t).

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Tube: Slinky

Template: Graphics/3d-tube-shape

Discription: This template creates a slinky tube that extrudes along a 3D curve based on a set of parametric equations x(t), y(t), and z(t).

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Tube: Sphere

Template: Graphics/3d-tube-shape

Discription: This template creates a sphere tube that extrudes along a 3D curve based on a set of parametric equations x(t), y(t), and z(t).

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Tube: Torus

Template: Graphics/3d-tube-shape

Discription: This template creates a torus tube that extrudes along a 3D curve based on a set of parametric equations x(t), y(t), and z(t).

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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