Extruded Bean Shape

Template: Graphics/3d-extruded-shape

Discription: 3D extruded beans shape created from a path shape using a set of parametric equations.

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Extruded Circle

Template: Graphics/3d-extruded-shape

Discription: 3D extruded circle created from a path shape using a set of parametric equations.

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Extruded Cyclide

Template: Graphics/3d-extruded-shape

Discription: Extruded cyclide created from a path shape using a set of parametric equations. You can create a variety of cyclides by specifying different sets of parameters.

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Extruded Flower

Template: Graphics/3d-extruded-shape

Discription: Extruded flower shape created from a path shape using a set of parametric equations.

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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Extruded Heart

Template: Graphics/3d-extruded-shape

Discription: Extruded heart shape created from a path shape using a set of parametric equations.

Link: Click this link to see the live chart or shape.

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